Waterfront View
Restaurant Reviews

Lazy Jack’s Watering Hole (Portsmouth)

Rhody enjoying the river view

This fun riverside watering hole really charmed us! we stopped in for lunch, getting the Fish Tacos, Empanadas, and, of course, Mussels.

Sorry we forgot to take a picture before destroying the tacos. We were hungry.

Fish Tacos – these were good, the aioli took away from some of the other lighter flavors though. The fish was well cooked and well seasoned with nice grill marks. The fries were fantastic! They were seasoned and crisp, but as with most fries, they aren’t as good once they cool, so eat them first!

There were three empanadas, but we ate two before taking the picture.

Empanadas – these were the star of our meal! the filling was very flavorful and juicy (but not dripping), and enough spice without being too spicy; a wonderful balance of taste. The crust was flakey, buttery, and tender; one of the best crusts we’ve found in a hand pie. The aioli paired well and enhanced the flavors without overpowering the beef.

Mussels and the river view

Mussels – These were very tender and cooked to perfection. The coconut milk brings a creamier texture than just a wine or beer sauce without making it rich. Sarah usually prefers a wine sauce, but the beer is nice and doesn’t overpower the other flavors.

The restaurant is full of vibrant colors

The décor was light and fun, a lovely summer bar with a great view of the Piscataqua River. The staff was friendly and attentive, happy to answer all our questions. We highly recommend this restaurant!